Capitalism is destroying the planet and we have had enough. In this workshop, you'll get to know how LGBTQIA+ issues are used as a tool to further capitalist exploitation. And you'll learn how you can stand up against it.
A common narrative in Western society currently is: "Foreigners are the main driving force behind queerphobia – Muslims, people in the South or East." More queers in the West vote for right-wing parties, Germans light up a football stadium in rainbows when playing against Hungary and more queers want to serve in the military.
LGBTQIA+ rights are used as a tool of racist deflection and assimilation of LGBTQIA+ people into the mainstream. In this discussion-based workshop, we will talk about what homonationalism is, how it came to be, how it works and how we can counter it.
Europe is militarizing in the face of more and more wars in or close to its borders. But what does this do to society? We'll tear into the toxic masculinity woven into military culture, exposing the web of dominance and aggression that underpins it. We will reflect about how militarism affects women and queer people in society, through case studies and personal reflection, and how we can advocate for a more peaceful and non-violent society.
What are pronouns and why are they important? How can we be more thoughtful about gender at OXI? What does it mean to use gender-neutral language? How can a workplace be more trans-inclusive? Questions like these will be discussed in this 'Gender & Pronouns 101' workshop led by Honey. Through some cute exercises and group discussion, we will dive into the topic by exploring specific scenarios, techniques and some gender theory. No previous knowledge is needed and you can come with any questions you have.
Pinkwashing, homonationalism, and queer activism for Palestine - let’s unpack.